Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Up to the date

Sooo, I've sort of abandoned this little blog for a couple months. Sorry about that. The last couple of months have been fantastic, so here's a little update.

The wedding is mostly planned, so here are some of the details. It will be on July 31st beginning in the morning here:

Then we will have a lovely luncheon here:

And an evening reception here:

It's coming up fast! I can't believe we've been engaged for almost 5 months!

Moving on, Daryn had a birthday and I made him this cake. I learned that making a cake like this takes a really long time. Wedding cake prices make a little more sense now.

We went on a little trip to Southern California at the end of April and we just couldn't go without throwing in a day for Disneyland. We just went at Christmas and we're going to Disney world for our honeymoon. If we ever move to California (and I hope everyday that we do) we will have season passes.

However, we did not go to California just to go to Disneyland. It was actually to go to the premier of Daryn's movie My Girlfriend's Boyfriend at the Newport Beach film festival. See trailer here. It was fantastic. It was so great to see all Daryn's work over the last couple of years come together and turn out so well.

We also had some fantastic company on this trip. So fun!

Also, Christina, Jason and Javen came into town for a quick trip last week. I only got to see them for a couple hours one night, but I am leaving for Memphis in the morning. Yay! More posts to come. Maybe...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oh, it is love.

Saturday this fine piece of machinery came into my life, and swept me off my feet. We've been inseparable since. I have a feeling we are going to be very happy together.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Cupcake Weekend

Friday, this lovely surprise arrived in my mailbox:

Saturday I had to test it out, and these were the result:

Sunday, I used the apron my sister made me for Christmas for a photo op (I conveniently forgot I had it when actually baking the cupcakes):

It was a Betty Crocker weekend!

Lessons learned:

1. Filling the cupcake cups to the top in the pan, does not make bigger cupcakes. It does make a big mess in oven.
2. 5 1/2 cups of icing will only decorate about 20 cupcakes. (that's a little over 1/4 cup per cupcake! eeek!)
3. You cannot make homemade icing and decorate cupcakes with four different icing colors in an hour. It takes more like four.
4. You will need a shower, and your clothes will need to be washed when you are done.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I love the idea of having each of my bridesmaids in a different floral summer dress. So far these have caught my eye.

Find them here, here, and here

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Brooch Bouquets

I've been drooling over these brooch bouquets all morning. Aren't they gorgeous? Since purchasing one is pretty much out of the questions (they're a little pricey), I'm going to figure out a way to make one.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I want it to look like this.

Hopefully I'll come close :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

This New Year's Eve was the best one yet, and probably ever. I got engaged. Squeeeeee!!!! Nothing really tops that. The smile has not left my face.

From now until July 31st this will pretty much be a wedding planning blog, which may or may not be the reason I started it in the first place. I knew 25 was going to be a good year.