Logical Catie: Wow, that was really bad. Did anyone even smile in that movie?
Silly Girl Catie: Didn’t Jacob make you smile? I think I love him. Nevermind that I’m nearly a decade older.
LC: Oh yeah, you mean the guy that was pretty much Edward, except he’s a werewolf not a vampire. Yeah, wasn’t that great how ne never put on a shirt because of his elevated body temp, but yet he slept with blankets…..odd?
SGC: Wha? Shirts are completely unnecessary for werewolves. Drool….
LC: Please wipe off your chin. You’re scaring the little girls. Wait, why are there LITTLE girls here? Didn’t I just see someone’s head get twisted off?
SCG: AWWW, look! That 4 yr. old is licking the Jacob poster. Precious!
LC: Ok, leaving now.
SCG: Wait! Let’s see it again in the next 12 hours!
LC: Nope. Done.
SCG: Sadness! Farewell my Jacob.
Too funny!!
I love this internal dialogue debate!! So funny, it's really totally how we all feel. Except I "bought" the Vanity Fair magazine with Robert Pattison in it and I think I love him. He looks so much better as a human than as a vampire.
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